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By David Hardt
In recent years, there has been a spike in the sale of shower filters. The increase may be related to the public’s awareness of pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and other chemicals being found in our tap water. The trend may also reflect the growing connection between showering in unfiltered water and negative cosmetic and health consequences. When people learn about the hidden dangers of showering without a filtration system, they often take the stance that a chlorine shower filter is a need more than a luxury. The great dilemma then becomes how do you select the right one.
Like other reviews, this one will look at the all-important aspects like price and quality. However, this shower filter comparison of five leading brands will also address less talked about matters like guarantees, filtration performance and service. Although it can be a time consuming process, you can save yourself money and gain peace of mind by choosing carefully. With regard to filter performance, the research is based on the manufacturer’s literature. Each system’s effectiveness is measured by how much it reduces chlorine, VOCs (Volatile Organic Chemicals), THMs (Trihalomethane), and both lead and copper. An important idea to spell out right away is that a high price does not equal high value.
ShowerWise and Paragon
When considering the price, it is crucial to factor in the yearly cost and the filter’s performance. The Paragon filter has an inexpensive initial cost of $69.99. Yet, when you take into account that a new filter must be bought at three month intervals for $39.99, the startup price is somewhat deceiving. Likewise, the ShowerWise system costs $79.99 and a replacement filter, which is needed after three months, is $39. Each system costs $13 a month.
Their prices are reasonable, however, neither one uses a carbon filter. The Paragon uses a KDF filter, while ShowerWise relies on a combination of KDF and Chlorgon. Unfortunately, they miss out on the benefits of a high-end carbon filter, which is extremely effective at filtering out synthetic chemicals, THMs and VOCs. Although the cost for both systems is low, the need to change the filter every three months and the absence of a carbon filter are two major reasons these filters get consistently low marks. Furthermore, both filtration systems were the only ones in the group that reduced shower head height and had flow rates of less than 2.5 Gallons Per Minute (GPM). Let’s rule them out for now.
The Wellness Shower System
The Wellness Filter is priced very high at $249. Although the filter only needs changing every 18 to 24 months, the replacement filter cost is a lofty $189. Monthly average cost works out to be $16, by far the highest priced filter. Yet, the high price does not equate to superiority. Its filter performance is extremely similar to the much lower priced Aquasana AQ-4100. The Wellness shower filter costs over $150 more than the next most expensive competitor and it uses only a KDF filter. Due to the ultra high price and the reasons mentioned above, this filter doesn’t deserve the number one or runner-up spot in this shower filter review.
Aquasana and Jonathan Beauty Shower Systems
With three of the five leading brands being eliminated because of price or performance, that leaves two. The Jonathan Beauty system is $95 and a replacement filter, which needs changing every six months, costs $55; the monthly cost is $9.25. Most of the top brands may not break the bank, but the Aquasana AQ-4100 beats them all when it comes to price. It has the lowest start-up and yearly cost. The shower filter system is priced at $67.99 and a new filter, which will last as long as six months, is just $42. Total monthly cost is $7! An awesome price for sure, but now it’s time to compare the performance of the two standout brands.
Aquasana’s filter performance was excellent. It eliminated over 90% of all chlorine, VOCs, and THMS, while reducing more than 70% of copper and lead. Jonathan Beauty did just as well as Aquasana in all categories but one, where it reduced lead and copper by over 90%. These two leading filters perform a great deal better than Paragon and ShowerWise when it comes to filtering chemicals. One of the main points of differentiation is that Jonathan Beauty is priced over 39% higher than Aquasana and the replacement filter is 23% costlier.
The final area that separates the two companies is service. Aquasana has been in the water treatment industry for over 15 years; utilizes over 17 patents; has sold over 9 million products; provides a 60-day guarantee (90 for some products) and offers a free lifetime warranty when you enroll in their ‘Water 4 Life’ auto-ship program. When viewing the Jonathan Beauty shower filter website, there is no mention of a warranty. You have to search through dozens of hair care and other products to find the ‘terms and conditions.’ It says ‘Every item we sell has an unconditional money back guarantee,’ but there is no mention of when it might expire, a definite red flag. The Aquasana shower filter gives you more overall value and inspires a lot more consumer confidence.
Final Thoughts
Aquasana had the lowest price of the bunch. With one exception, its patented two-stage filtration system performed equal to or better than its competitors. Of the five top brands, only Aquasana and Jonathan Beauty have earned the coveted Consumers Digest Magazine’s ‘Best Buy’ award. This is reassuring because it means that they are held to a higher standard when it comes to manufacturing and overall quality. If your water isn’t safe to drink, then you can probably assume it’s unhealthy to be showering in it, unless you buy a quality shower water filter.
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to find the shower filter that won Consumers Digest Magazine’s “Best Buy” award (2007-2008).
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