By Tim Lee
Getting good vehicles at discounted prices can be a hard thing to imagine, especially nowadays when the prices of everything are continuously going up.
Getting good vehicles from government auctions is a wonderful option to look at. The government periodically holds auctions to bid off different kinds of vehicles from different sources.
There are vehicles which are confiscated from criminals. Once the investigations are done and the felons are convicted, their confiscated vehicles are usually sold at government auctions. A wide variety of vehicles can be found during these government auctions.
There are also used government vehicles that are auctioned off to the public after the government has offered these vehicles to other states. The used vehicles are auctioned off because of the rising cost of storing these vehicles which the government shoulders.
Here are some basic tips on how to go about buying surplus vehicles through government auctions.
1. Check the affiliation of the auction first
There are a lot of auctions out there that are posing to be legally affiliated with a government institution. To avoid subsequent troubles and to make sure that everything is in proper place, one should check the affiliation of the auction and counter-check it by asking the institution. Caution is very important in participating in such auctions.
2. Check the schedules of the different government auctions
Getting one’s hands on a good pick requires some researching and good timing. Remember that there are a lot of other people who are eyeing on these government auctions and being informed is a good way to get ahead.
There are many government auctions which are held by the General Service Administration, the US Marshall Service, the US Postal Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the US Small Business Administration and many others.
One can find good vehicles and other stuff such as furniture, heavy equipment, scientific equipment and yes, even livestock.
3. Don’t judge the car by your first impression
Always take in mind that the vehicles that are offered in government auctions have been in stagnant condition for a long period of time. Before the government auctions these vehicles to the public, they are first offered to other states which might be in need of these vehicles.
So if one sees vehicles in fairly bad exterior condition ( flat tires, dusty and rusted hood, and such other similar conditions) one must be able to look forward and see the vehicle after it has been restored.
4. Always consult a price list
One can probably ask for a list of the auctioned materials from the proper authority and make a preliminary research regarding the current price of the said vehicle. One can definitely make use of the web to be able to get an updated price for certain surplus vehicles.
5. Avoid unreasonable price spirals
In any type of auctions, there are bidders who do not know how to play the game. It only takes two bidders to make the price of a certain vehicle to shoot up unreasonably above its current market price. Bidders should always avoid this unwanted spiraling of prices especially if he is on a tight budget.
These are just some practical tips on how to effectively purchase a surplus vehicle from a government auction. The wise always win in auctions, he takes everything into consideration and make the right bids at the right time.
About the Author: For listings of surplus vehicles, please visit auto-car-auctions.info/
Source: isnare.com
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