By Danica Reynes

Pregnant women can improve their oral health if they look for information concerning oral health, regularly brush and floss to get rid of bacterial plaque, include fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse into your routine, consume a well-balanced diet, tooth decay should be treated, don’t share food or utensils with anyone, and xylitol gum should be chewed to decrease the rate of tooth decay.

Having healthy oral hygiene is necessary for everyone. Proper oral hygiene is also especially important for women who are pregnant. Gum diseases like gingivitis are most likely to happen to pregnant women who have poor oral hygiene. Pregnancy gingivitis, in turn, increases the risk of preterm birth, which is a serious complication in pregnancies. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAP) provided the following guidelines regarding oral health for pregnant women:

Seek oral health education

Regular visits to your dentist Royal Oak will keep you informed about the benefits of good oral hygiene while you are pregnant. Health specialists can also give you relevant resources and tools for good oral health. If you are pregnant or are planning to have a child, it is a good idea to discuss any oral health-related concerns you have with these specialists. Potential health problems that are commonly linked to gum disease can also be identified by your dentist.

Eliminate bacterial plaque by regular brushing and flossing


Research shows a correlation between bacterial plaque and both low birth-weight and premature births. This is why it is vital to regularly brush and floss in the right way to get rid of bacterial plaque. Working in circular motions and cleaning all reachable areas of the teeth is the right way of brushing. There are sections of teeth that you can’t reach with your toothbrush so it is imperative that you floss those areas. Make sure that after you floss you rinse out your mouth.

Include fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse into your routine

People aged 6 and above are advised to brush with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoridated toothpaste is also an integral part in the oral health practices of pregnant women. To reduce plaque, pregnant women can also use over-the-counter fluoride rinses that do not contain any alcohol.

Eat a balanced diet

A proper diet helps not only the pregnant woman, but also her unborn child’s oral health and nutrition. Unnecessary sugary food should be avoided because these can increase plaque.

Have tooth decay treated

The procedure for treating tooth decay is considered safe even during pregnancy so experts suggest that pregnant women have their tooth decay treated. Aside from removing bacteria that results from tooth decay, the treatment will also improve overall oral health.

Avoid sharing food or utensils

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, which can be passed from one person to another by sharing food or utensils. Due to this, it is very crucial that pregnant women do not share utensils or food.

Chew xylitol gum

Some research suggests that xylitol gum can decrease the rate of tooth decay in children. In this case, pregnant women should chew xylitol gum 4 times each day.

Following these oral health guidelines will not only promote the oral health of pregnant women but the overall welfare of both mother and child during and after the pregnancy.

About the Author: Get the information you need for your oral health concerns by finding the best

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