People use mesh produce bags mainly for storing vegetables and fruits as well as shopping, however, these bags are very versatile, and you can use them for various purposes. We will show you some creative ways on how to use these bags.Bulk bin shoppingEvery product we buy on a grocery store has some sort of packaging, and they are packed with plastic. Some items can be recycled; unfortunately, most of the packaging is dumped in the landfill. There are standard sized packages that we need to buy without having any other option left that may be less or much more than required. As there are a lot of bins at grocery shops, it is better to bulk up on bin good thereby avoid packaging and save a few bucks. The best shopping container for most of the items inmesh produce bags where you can also store lentils, split peas and beans for a short period. Then transfer the stuff to glass jars for long-term storage.Snack and lunch bagStop using the brown bag rather than pack your lunch in a large or medium size produce bag. The bags are flexible and light that is perfect for storing homemade and healthy lunch in your car, or backpack. Dump the zip-lock plastic bags and put your cookies, pretzels, celery or carrots in a small produce bag. You can use separate small bags for carrying granola, nuts, or dried fruits.Bread bagWhen you buy some fresh bread at a bakery, the guys will always be packing the loaf in a plastic bag or paper. A mesh produce bag is a perfect carrier without any waste. The bread will remain fresh throughout the day in the cotton bag. When you are making loaves hot from the oven at your house, you require a well-ventilated storage option such as a mesh bag so that the steam will not cause any condensation. After the loaves get cooled, put the loaf in the bag for keeping it fresh.Organizing the spaceWhile traveling by flight, space is very valuable. Fitting the goods into the small airlines approved carry-on bags is a huge challenge, and usually, you are trying to avoid premium luggage check-ins and the delays. It is wise to use produce bags for storing valuables, toiletries, makeup or jewelry for your trips. It is not at all possible to fit your toiletry kits or entire makeup into limited space, so pack your essential into the bags. You should know that cotton is flexible, rolled up easily and can be stored in any corner of your backpack or suitcase. At the same time, the bags keep your items in an organized way. Large bags can be used for shoe bags to keep your fresh clothes protected from dirty soles.Fine China protectionProtect fine china items like valuable bowls, plates, saucers, and cups as well as platters from chipping or breaking by storing them each piece in mesh produce bags.
