Submitted by: A.Noton

Many people prefer to use mulch in their garden. It can come in several forms, such as stones, wood chips and compost. Several individuals who grow vegetables or herbs apply it to the earth. It is an ingredient in most successful agricultural ventures, whether they are done as hobbies or to earn money. It has a number of benefits for crops and the environment.

People who make their own compost at home usually use fruit peels and other vegetable matter from the kitchen. This prevents this waste from going to landfills. Since they supply the nutrients that crops need, farmers have to buy less commercial fertilizer. Mulching helps young trees to grow roots more easily underground. This is much more difficult with soil that does not have a thin protective layer.

Decorative wood chips are often seen in front of office buildings. They are usually very attractive when placed around the base of a tree or shrub. They help to keep weeds under control. Grass clippings, pine needles and bark can be used for the same purpose.


Compost has many advantages when it is properly applied to the soil. Persons who are new to gardening may be told that using it is not necessary. However they may get poor foliage or crops when they do not put compost around the roots of their plants. A moderate amount should be applied. Too much can harm the plant.

This kind of fertilizer contains nitrogen. This element is also present in commercial products. Plants use it to form chlorophyll, which is essential for food production. It helps them to grow and bear fruit in abundance when used in the right quantities. They also need it to produce seeds. When they do not have enough they look small, with underdeveloped leaves. Compost also supplies a number of other nutrients. These include iron, zinc, copper, boron and manganese.

Weeds compete with other plants for nutrients in the soil. A thin organic layer can inhibit the growth of undesirable vegetation. Weeds should be pulled before this is spread out over the dirt. A coarse layer is best when you want to control wild plants. Mulch should never be placed right against the trunk of a tree. This can suffocate the tree. It should be at least six inches from the base. It should never be more than five inches thick.

Mulching helps farmers to conserve water. It locks in moisture when it is placed as a layer over the soil, even when the days are really hot. When it is not used, the heat speeds up the evaporation of water. The dirt gets dry very quickly and roots are unable to get the nutrients they need. Packing a thin layer of grass clippings over the soil helps to keep it wet.

Mulch is especially important in temperate regions. It can protect the roots from rapid temperature changes in the soil. Too much heat and cold is not good for the roots. It damages them. Having a protective layer between the air and the roots helps keep vegetation in good condition.

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