A Spotlight on Factors affecting Transformer Reliability


Jimmy Seikh

A transformer is an electric device which uses electromagnetic induction to transfer electric voltage or alternating current from one circuit to another. The transformers are generally designed to step up and step down voltage. Today, when people are very attentive towards the quality of transformers, distribution transformer manufacturer is manufacturing durable, user-friendly and reliable transformers.

The basic transformer consists of two or more coils of insulated wire wrapped around a laminated steel core. While considering towards the reliability on there are several factors:

Design of Transformer

Design of transformer is a major factor that influences the reliability of transformer. The designer of transformer should be in compliance with the national industry standards. The designer should be well known with the current environmental conditions. Even a single error may result into reduced service life and reliability. If the design will be user friendly, it will be more reliable.


Operating Environment

It signifies the operating conditions in which the transformer is exposed to, during its entire service period. It comprises of location, weather, operating methods and procedures, electric loading, system parameters and their uses. Each of the aforementioned condition should be checked carefully. For the ease of the manufacturers various standards have been developed. These are ANSI, NEMA which provides recommendations or standard values wherever it is applicable.

Specification of Transformer

The specification of the transformer should include and depict the functions it performs. Specification also takes care of the constraints it is to meet. It should include each of the operating conditions that affect the transformer.

Shipment and Installation

The time after the manufacturing of the transformer to the use of the customer is very crucial. Even a small mistake in handling or installing the device may cause a big problem. It can lead to a big problem like machine failure at early stages.

These transformers and Variac are basically delivered by rail or roadways. If they are not placed well then also it may cause harm to it. A proper installation is equally important along with the shipment.

Manufacturing Process

Due to variation in manufacturing process of materials, processes, handling machines, a difference may be observed among the reliability in design with that of reliability after the manufacturing of transformer.

Transformer Maintenance

The maintenance of transformer can be categorized as repair maintenance and preventive maintenance. Repair maintenance means to use such methods for in service error and malfunction. Preventive maintenance includes preventing the transformer from any error by checking it completely after a regular period of time.

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