By Himfr Paul

We pursue the image pixels and the picture quality should also consider the primary purpose of his purchase of the camera and conscientiously compare consumption, flagship of shooting 8 million compared to DSLR, as the number of pictures taken a few pictures of 6 million, as the gap between how much? We also clear picture quality of the concrete meaning of that? Is the noise? Contrast? Definition? Or the color accuracy? Perhaps a clear understanding of these issues, and more help us choose the right products.

SLR that is single lens reflex.

In this system, the reflex mirror and prism of the unique design allows the photographer from the direct observation of the viewfinder image through a lens. Single-lens reflex cameras of the structural map can be seen through the lens to reach the light reflector, the reflected to the top of the focusing screen and the images formed through the eyepiece and the five prism, we can see in the viewfinder outside interest. Shooting, when pressing the shutter button will be up pop-up mirror, films in front of the shutter curtain will open at a time, through the lens of the light (image) will be projected onto the photosensitive film on the making film, and later the mirror will immediately resume the status quo viewfinder image can be seen again. Single-lens reflex cameras such construction, to determine that it is entirely shot through a lens, and it can see in the viewfinder image and the film is always the same, its scope and the actual shooting range shooting is basically consistent, eliminating the side-axis head-up the camera viewfinder parallax phenomenon, from the perspective of learning photography is very beneficial to visually frame composition. Single-lens reflex cameras, there is a big feature is the ability to exchange lenses with different specifications.

Film photography and digital photography on the merits of the controversy has not yet had an outcome of this debate has now extended to a digital camera within the camps: the choice of digital single-lens reflex camera (hereinafter referred to as “DSLR”) or a high-end consumer-level digital camera (hereinafter referred to as ” Consumer flagship “), has become a problem faced by many friends, DSLR and consumer flagship competition between the increasingly fierce. A year ago two of competition is not obvious, and entry in 2004, with the advent of a variety of new products, the situation has changed. As a competitor, let us look at the following main differences between the two.

1, DSLR and consumer flagship of the main differences between


First in the viewfinder the way the two are very different,

Consumption, the use of a similar flagship camera LCD or electronic viewfinder. The digital SLR’s viewfinder with a very different way, using the same traditional SLR cameras, “single-lens reflex,” framing technology, from the complex mirror and pentagrams optical viewfinder composition of the pure system. Optical viewfinder is generally divided into the side-axis head-up-type and single-lens reflex viewfinder coaxial two kinds of methods, the latter directly through the camera viewfinder to ensure saw when viewing the scenery is absolutely going to shoot the scene through the lens, is a kinds of shooting very professional manner. But with the rapid development of digital imaging products, electronic LCD viewfinder greatly surpass the potential, because it has a number of optical viewfinder does not have character. For example LCD viewfinder displays the image, the basic effect is to shoot out the photos, but also can display a number of performance parameters, shooting information, greatly improving the camera’s ease of use.

Small knowledge: general popular type of digital camera LCD viewfinder can be used directly to preview the possible shooting results, and professional digital cameras that they can not, it is because of non-professional digital cameras use one lens body, using inter-lens shutter in the formal exposure before the shutter can be always open, closed again before the formal exposure, usually light, direct access to sensitive devices, it can be easy to achieve LCD viewfinder. Professional digital cameras are mostly based on traditional camera body design, the use of focal plane shutter curtain, as well as reflectors, light can not be reached before the actual filming sensitive devices, it is not easy to achieve LCD viewfinder. As the SLR models have already adopted the TTL optical viewfinder, LCD viewfinder is not much need.

The other important difference is the size of the different imaging devices. Most middle and low DSLR (such as the Canon 300D and Nikon D70) use a similar specification with the APS film is about the size of 15.1×22.7 mm light-sensitive chips, individual professional digital SLR cameras, even used a 24×36 mm full-size light-sensitive chips, such as the Canon 1 Ds, and Kodak PRO / n / c. Flagship of consumption have used almost 2 / 3 inch size of the light-sensitive chip, which is only about 6.6 x 8.8 mm square size, light-sensitive than the DSLR chip size to be used in much smaller, while the average consumer digital camera’s sensor size of even smaller , mostly in the 1/1.8 inches, or even just 1/3.2 inches.

Light-sensitive chip size of the image quality of digital cameras is very large. We can not simply look at the number of pixels, but also should look at the size of each pixel, such as is now the majority of middle and low compared with 6 million pixel DSLR around (high-end DSLR, like a few can reach more than 10 million), while the consumption of the flagship has been generally achieved 8 mega pixels, just from the number of pixels of view, consumption, flagship of the number of pixels is clearly higher, but the pixel image quality is only one aspect of the decision, but it is not a very important aspect.

Pixel level and image quality, there is little relationship between the pixels to enhance image resolution is improved only. Picture effects that affect other factors, such as purple fringe, noise, glare, dispersion and deformation, etc., will not increase as the image resolution and improved. Contrary, it will even improve with the pixels become even worse, for example, noise control, if the CCD area is unchanged simply increasing the number of pixels (light-sensitive cells), which will greatly reduce the distance between the light-sensitive cells, makes light of electromagnetic interference by each other more and will eventually lead to a sharp increase in noise. Are now 8 million pixels of the DC product, with the original 5 million pixels CCD size, are both 2 / 3 inches, therefore, the general feeling of some 8 million users, like the number of DC, its picture quality is not above 5 million generations pixel products.

Thirdly, DSLR and consumer flagship of both the size and weight also there is a big difference, although it is the flagship consumer is becoming increasingly large and heavy (such as the Sony F828, the weight is close to 1kg), and others DSLR is becoming is relatively small (such as the Pentax * istD, and weighs more than 600 grams). However, SLR cameras have to consider supporting the lens problem, not just look at the camera body itself is the size and weight. As a result of very obvious, such as the one with a 28-200mm (35 mm camera equivalent), maximum aperture F2.8 lens, 8 megapixels consumption, flagship of only about 1.5 pounds, can be a jacket pocket placed. The provision of similar focal length and aperture range of DSLR lenses, at least two lenses, the sheer volume and weight of the lens is very large, the need for a medium-sized camera can be mounted under the package.

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