How to Keep Your Glass Top Dining Table Smear Free?


Ali Mulyadi

Isn’t it frustrating when you waste ages cleaning your glass top dining table only to still have smears all over it from insufficient cleaning commodities? Well why not determine some more usual and eco friendly ways to clean your table and building?

At the moment it seems like persons will sort out anything to possess money. We scrimp and save, forfeit nights out and coupons have become part of a everyday routine! But we have we about how to save money when cleaning? Cleaning products can be highpriced thus why not design some average methods?

General and eco ways to clean your glass top dining table:

– Newspaper

One of the most conventional ways to get a streak free finish is to use newspaper. This technique has been around for many years. As newspaper doesn’t have the lint that is left over from paper towels and dusters, it leaves no streaks. For added effect or for very dirty windows or black glass dining table you may try to use vinegar with the newspaper. Vinegar has many properties such as cleaning, anti-bacterial and even medical so it is the ideal choice for cleaning your glass.

– Lemon

Lemon is other one of those items that you always have in the house but never think to carry out thing with other than eat! For cleaning glass you can add some drops of lemon juice into a spray bottle of water and employ that as a cleaner. It will do on other surfaces too. The lemon is anti-bacterial and will also fragrance lovely. If you have a smelly microwave, consider cutting a lemon in half and placing it in a bowl of hot water in the microwave. Turn the microwave on for a minute or two and the lemon will gradually swallow the terrific smells while replacing it with a lemony fragrance. Lemon is also best for breaking down slippery or fatty build up so it will run really well on your oven too.

– Steam

Steam cleaning is a impressive way to clean your whole house including your glass top dining table. Steam is a natural way (without using any chemicals) to break down any dirt that you possibly will have building up on your surfaces or tables. The steam will kill any microbes that may be lurking too. Steam can be an wonderful way to clean fabrics too.

So in solution to the question Do You Know How to Keep Your Glass Top Dining Table Smear Free?, I would suggest the natural way. Chemicals are no longer needed to acquire a smear free finish so why not modify your ways today (and your bank balance) and go for the green way to clean.

If you want to know how to completely remove a scratch from

glass top dining table

, please visit my

glass dining table

site. At my site, you will also find additional articles about how to find quality made glass dining table and chairs, type of glass dining table suitable for your home and much more!

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How to Keep Your Glass Top Dining Table Smear Free?