Hypnose Let Your Mind Rule Your Health


It s all in the mind

The mental connection to the physical well-being is well documented throughout various medical journals. Hypnose is the vehicle to connect the mental faculties with the physical realities, thereby, inducing the sense of well-being. Contrary to the popular belief, all hypnose is actually self-hypnose. No one can hypnotize you unless there is some degree of acknowledgment from the subject.

Hypnotism is an accepted medical therapy that is far removed from the notions of swinging pendulums and swaying watches. Hypnose works on the assumption that human mind has all the healing powers in the world. Most pain, sufferings and psychological disorders can be effectively addressed through the efficient use of hypnose.


There is a foolproof scientific reasoning to hypnose. The brain is the epicenter of the nervous system in the body. Every tissue of the brain connects the nervous system of brain to other vital organs of the body. And it is the harmonious interaction of nerves that ensures physical and mental well-being. And it is the disharmony of nervous system that is responsible, directly or indirectly, for the physical discomfiture.

Now, if the brain is tuned back to ensure that the nervous system emit positive signals to every part of the body, the healing process gets a tremendous boost. And this is the job of hypnose to instruct the brain to do the needful and help in healing the ailment. Not only physical ailments, hypnose is your best ally to fight certain mental and emotional blocks also.

Some of the proven results of hypnose include fighting addictions, like smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc., anger management, weight loss pain-free childbirth without medication, surgery without anesthesia, controlling hypertension and fluctuating blood pressure etc.

Hypnose, though extremely beneficial treatment option, is also open to abuse by certain perverted and individualistic practitioners. The subject has total belief and submits to the wills of hypnotis r, if he truly wants to exploit hypnose for his benefit. In the process, the patient is quite vulnerable to the whims and caprice of the hypnotis r.

To avoid every danger associated with hypnose, it is advisable to learn self-hypnose. After all, you are the best judge of how your body behaves in a particular situation. Self-hypnose actually helps in optimally utilizing the beneficial aspects of hypnose for self-betterment. And above all, you can manage your own time and free to practice it when convenient.

Thomas H. Lindblom is an expert


and a freelance writer. He has several books and articles in well-known national and international journals to his credit.

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