
For those who weathered the recent hurricanes that hit Texas and other coastal areas of the United States, putting their lives back together is a top priority. The damage has left many homeowners picking up the pieces of their beloved homes, yards, and amenities. For those with swimming pools or other outdoor water recreation to tend to, pool repair has become an important service in the Houston area.

How do you begin the process of taking your pool back to its glory days after a natural disaster? Here are some tips for bringing back the crystal-clear waters after hurricane hits.

Start by Consulting a Nearby Pool Service Company

Houston-based Manning Pool Service offer pool cleaning, inspection, and maintenance, including all forms of pool renovation and repair. Because of their local experience, Houston-based pool service providers are uniquely suited to help you reclaim your backyard hangout after your home is ravaged by the winds and waters of a hurricane. The experts at Manning understand the challenges faced by Texan pool owners affected by Hurricane Harvey. Whatever nature brings, you can count on Manning to be up to the task.

Start the Process Yourself

For those DIY enthusiasts, there are some small pool repair and maintenance tasks that you can handle yourself while you wait for your professional appointment:

  • Start by checking for damage to your pool’s walls, your filtration system, and pump. If there is debris in your way, skim as much of this from the water as possible. Do not get into the contaminated water.

  • Drain the pool only to its proper water level. Shock your pool with an intense treatment of chlorine, and run the pump once you believe it to be safe to do so.

  • Check the chlorine content for safety, of use before entering the water yourself.

It may seem strange not to drain the water entirely and start from fresh, but this can damage the pool and actually cause it to pop out of the ground. Let a professional handle it, and your pool will be returned to its original beauty.