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If you have decided to take the leap into home ownership or you are interested to go for refinance home loans for your current mortgage, one of the first things you will need to do is track down a mortgage.

I honestly can’t tell you just how many mortgage companies there are in the United States, but I can tell you this, there are a lot of them.

Mortgage companies also come in a few different forms. You might recognize one as your local bank, but there are also wholesale lenders who use not only there own loan officers to originate mortgages, they will also use mortgage brokers. Than you have your retail lenders, who use only their own employed loan officers.

Because there are so many mortgage companies out there, the industry has become highly competitive.

So before you commit to the first lender you approach and start filling out applications, look again, and consider shopping around. Like I said, the mortgage industry is highly competitive, so let them fight over you when you are applying for a home mortgage loan.

You don’t have to go crazy when shopping for a lender. No more than five inquiries should be your limit. Talk with them, find out what programs they have to offer, and at what rate. Ask about closing costs. Remember, closing costs should not exceed 5% of the total amount of the loan at the very most. (This does not include the down payment).

By shopping around, you will be able to get a feel for what is out there, and whatever lender offers you the best deal to fit your needs and your budget, should be your lender of choice.

The down fall to speaking with one lender is, you are limiting yourself too just their products and services, as well as their rates. How do you know you can’t get a better deal somewhere else? Most likely you can.

Shop around for a mortgage the way you would shop around for a car. Look at a few of them at different dealerships, test drive them, discuss pricing with the sales person, than once you and the selling party have come to an agreement, make the purchase.

Buying or refinancing a home is not something you want to rush into. So take your time and educate yourself. Talk to people within the industry, shop around, than make an educated decision based on what best fits your needs. Home123 at is offering consultancy when you are looking home loans and you can use Mortgage Loan Calculator as well for better safety.

The steps to refinance a loan resemble the same steps used to get the original loan. For instance, the percentage of loan origination fees’ (points) the lender is going to be charging you. Generally only the loan origination fee and the application fee go to the lender.

The rest of the fee’s such as the appraisal, credit report, interest for the period in between closing and your first monthly payment, home owners insurance, title insurance, pro rated property tax, etc., go to their appropriate institutions when applying for the home mortgage loan

As I stated earlier, you must be prepared to pay closing costs. My recommendation for you people visiting this article is to visit and use Mortgage Loan Calculator for better decision when applying for a loan.

About the Author: Greg Kazmierczak is Vice President of Marketing at Home Refinance Loans. Throughout his 12 years in the lead generation industry, he has developed several online lead generation platforms for auto finance and home mortgage loans companies.


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