By Allison Thompson

Like many other like minded souls across the globe you are thinking of purchasing a pair Ugg boots, just like all the celebrities seem to be wearing. But once you have purchased them, then what next. You really need to know how to look after your boots so that they look just as good as when you purchased them.

One of the most important things that any owner of a pair of these boots should remember to ensure that the boots are kept in good condition is not to wear them in extremely wet weather or in the snow. Although these boots are designed for keeping your feet warm during cold spells they have not been designed for wearing in wet conditions.

Should you find that your boots have got dirty then please take not of the following steps and hopefully you will keep your boots in the same condition as when you brought them.


1.Always wash your boots by hand with cold water. Do not put them in to a washing machine or wash them in hot water as this will result in your boots becoming damaged and unwearable. Remember sheepskin is a very delicate material, remember that nice new wool jumper that you had and forgot you were meant to wash it by hand, it went in the washing machine and came out 3 sizes smaller.

2.Another thing you must remember not to do is that you should never place them in a dryer or in front of a direct source of heat (i.e., radiator or fire or even direct sunlight) after they have been washed. The best way of drying your boots is to feel them with paper, not only will this soak up all excess water, but it will help the boot to retain its shape. Once you have stuffed the boots with paper, just leave them in a place where they can dry naturally, remember do not put them near a heat source.

However, if you want the many makers of Ugg and Sheepskin boots that are now available will usually specify or produce their own cleaning products and it may be best to contact them or ask your retailer for details of these products. I would warn against you using any products that are not recommended by the makers of your boots as a large number of over the counter products are not designed for this specific product.

About the Author: Allison Thompson who has developed a site because of her love of this must have footwear. For any further information relating to this item please visit


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